Helensburgh’s Big Conversation
Plastic Free Helensburgh invites your group to send representatives to a facilitated, round table discussion at Helensburgh’s Big Conversation.
Saturday 9th March 1-4pm The Bridge Halls at Helensburgh Parish Church.
The purpose is to bring together the volunteers and organisations active in doing, educating, greening, growing, tending, appreciating and generally doing something to make our environment cleaner, greener, more sustainable, and climate friendly. If this is you or your organisation you are invited to attend.
There will be mapping of current work and looking for gaps, as well as possible opportunities and areas for collaboration.
This event marks the launch of Regional Argyll and Bute Climate Action Network hub. A consortium of Act (argyll Countryside Trust), TSI (Third Sector Interface) and TfC (Time for Change Argyll and Bute) succeeded in a bid to the Scottish government, and a Regional Argyll and Bute Climate Action Network hub is now in operation.
The day-to-day management is undertaken by Jamie Joyce from ACT and there are part-time coordinators for each of the four areas in Argyll. Jamie Joyce and Lindsey Findlayson (CardrossCan, Cardross Community Council, and more) who is the coordinator for Helensburgh and Lomond will be part of the facilitation team. Come and find out what the new network can do for our area.
Refreshments will be provided
Contact [email protected] 07854688408
For catering please let us know if you can attend and how many are coming.
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