Resource category: Solving Problems
No organisation can run without encountering a problem or two. These resources can help you in overcoming some of the common issues.
Managing Challenging Volunteer Situations
Sometimes things can go wrong and it is important to know how to handle these types of situations. This document...
Striking off application by a company
This form is used if your organisation is a registered company and is an application to remove it from the...
Insolvent SCIO dissolution application form
This application form and its guidance notes apply if you are applying to dissolve a SCIO which is insolvent, having...
Solvent SCIO dissolution application
This form applies if you are applying to dissolve a SCIO which is solvent, where solvent is defined as the...
Application for consent to wind up or dissolve a charity
You will need to seek consent from OSCR at least 42 days in advance of the date of dissolution using...