Resource category: Volunteering
These documents relate to Volunteering
Confidentiality Policy and Agreement
This policy outlines what the responsibilities are and how you must treat and protect people’s personal information.
Volunteer Information Form Template
This form can be used to record important information about your volunteers, for example: emergency contact information. This must be...
Volunteer Risk Assessment Template
It’s important to consider any risks that might be involved in each volunteering role. This list is not finite, but...
Volunteer Health and Safety Policy Template
A useful policy template for Health and Safety that will cover paid workers and volunteers.
Volunteer Health and Wellbeing Self Appraisal
Use this template as a way of measuring the Health and wellbeing of your volunteers.
Volunteer Friendly Standards
This document outlines the standards required and used within the Volunteer Friendly Awards framework
Volunteer Role Description Template
This template can be used to describe the volunteering role in detail and can be amended to suit your organisation.
Volunteer Induction Checklist
This checklist is an example of what should be used when introducing a new volunteer to your organisation. You can...
Managing Challenging Volunteer Situations
Sometimes things can go wrong and it is important to know how to handle these types of situations. This document...
Volunteer Policy Template
This is a sample Volunteer policy that you can amend and use for your organisation.
Safeguarding Policy Template
This a Safeguarding Policy Template that can be downloaded and edited to suit your organisation.