Argyll & Bute Introduction to child protection level 1 training

Event information

Date: 2 September 2024

Time: 10am - 1.30pm

Type: Training


This Introduction to child protection training is aimed at people who are working or volunteering with children, young people, and their families, or likely to come into contact with children, parents, or carers as part of their role.

It can also be used as a step to further training in child protection.

This session is designed to help staff and volunteers identify child protection concerns and know how to respond to fulfil their shared responsibilities of protecting children and safeguarding their wellbeing.

By the end of this training participants will:

• Understand what is meant by it’s everyone’s responsibility to protect children and know about the Getting It Right for Every Child approach.
• Be able to identify potential risks/different types of harm and impact on child’s development.
• Know what to do if you are worried about a child or young person. Importance of listening and responding to a child’s disclosure.
• Know when to seek appropriate support/supervision and where to look for this.
• broad understanding of local child & adult protection systems/record keeping/information sharing, confidentiality, and data protection

Please book by email at [email protected]