
Procurement means buying goods or services and doing this in a way that is both cost effective and adds value to the overall purpose of an organisation.

Third sector organisations should adhere to best practice in procurement including, for example, obtaining three quotes before buying-in more costly items and services. As well as having procedures in place that limit an individual’s buying power. This can include ensuring that medium and large spends are signed off by the organisation’s governing board.

Effective procurement means that an organisation uses it resources wisely and spends money not just on the essentials but on things that really matter. Good procurement practices involve making sure everything is done fairly and ethically and, most importantly, stands up to financial scrutiny.  

Third sector organisations often deliver essential services at a grassroots community level. Linking into national procurement opportunities – both as a buyer and as a service provider can be complex.

The Sustainable Procurement Duty was introduced to ensure local authorities give consideration to how they can improve the social, environmental and economic wellbeing of an area through the procurement process. This includes giving thought to third sector involvement.  

Argyll and Bute Council’s procurement strategy includes an emphasis on empowering local suppliers and aims to maximise opportunities for local and third sector businesses to bid for and win contracts.

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