Argyll and Bute Council’s Supporting Communities Fund

Argyll and Bute Council’s Supporting Communities Fund – now open for applications

Closing date for applications 18th March 2024

Groups who meet the criteria can now apply for this year’s fund. The fund is open to not for profit community organisations to apply for up to £2,500 for projects that benefit local communities (to apply organisations must have an eligible governing document, e.g. constitution, memorandums and articles)

Supporting Communities Fund awards must deliver benefits for communities based on the following categories:

Fairer Communities – tackling poverty by sharing opportunities

  • Fairer Communities – tackling poverty by sharing opportunities
  • Resilient Communities – rebuilding and repairing from a pandemic, or capacity building activities
  • Greener, Cleaner Communities – environmental action to support addressing climate change
  • Creative Communities – creativity for health and wellbeing

Eligibility criteria can be found in the guidance notes within the attached application form. The form can be downloaded from their website:

If you have any questions or would like a paper copy of the application form, please don’t hesitate to contact [email protected] or tel. 01436 658881.

Author Phil Ashby

Part of Funding News, General News
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