Community Assets for Living Well Art of Hosting Workshop

At the beginning of June 2024, we held a two day Art of Hosting workshop, focused on the questions:
How can we work collectively to meet the wellbeing needs of our communities at this time of increasing needs and diminishing resources?
How can our collective knowledge, networks and resourcefulness best serve those most vulnerable across our rural and island landscape of needs?
These two days were for people who are driven to make Argyll and Bute a better place – to live, work, study, bring up our families and provide support in times of need. This event aimed to help define and hone a clear vision for what contributes to a good life and wellbeing for people across Argyll and Bute. We investigated how we currently work and how we can work together more on shared objectives and actions, building ongoing connections and resources to help us take this vision forward in our own organisations and communities.
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