How Does Water Effect your Community?

The National Centre for Resilience (@ResilienceScot) are looking to gather your input and knowledge of the water-related issues facing Communities across Scotland. Does your community or area have issues with too much or too little water?
What challenges do you face when planning for, responding to and recovering from significant water-related events?
With the collected information we are then looking to invite respondents to an event in March which will bring together community members, practitioners and academics to discuss potential projects or gaps in knowledge that we could support with joint research bids.
Please let us know your thoughts via this link:
We are looking for responses by 22.02.24.
The National Centre for Resilience is a research and knowledge exchange centre based at the University of Glasgow. With a focus on building Scotland’s resilience to natural hazards. Some of the ways we do this include commissioning new research to fit emerging challenges, connecting resilience professionals to encourage cross-sector working and influencing policy using evidence-based knowledge and solutions.
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